How to Read in the Way of the Alchemis

The Alchemist — a Reading Experience, One time Again

It shouldn't be regarded equally an accomplishment, the fact that I had finally finished reading The Alchemist tonight.

Le blondie gave me that volume on 16th of Baronial 2011 when he was still in Jakarta. Why exercise I remember? Because he left a bulletin on the forepart page and wrote the date likewise.

All my life I accept claimed myself as an avid reader. I remember those days I would religiously read comics, novels, magazines, anything, every single day. The morning when I got to school, I waited the bong to ring past reading.
During pause time, I read. And if I take finished the volume, I'd go to the library to look for a new one to read.

I remember I was a big geek in that department.

College life? I read everything equally well. Just as fast.

You exercise realize information technology took me almost a yr to stop the book, right?
I was kind of moody in the offset, I was looking for far more light and entertaining writers. So I kept this book in the shelf for so long. Sometimes I would read information technology, but only a few pages. I would leave information technology behind the next mean solar day. And in coming weeks I'd read some pages again, and then on then forth. Just still, not as well much progress.

I realized one thing. It wasn't originally most the mood. It's because the goddamn thing that's chosen "internet-at-hand-Lark." Either it's Blackberry, iPhone, Android, even Windows based Nokia Lumia. Heck, even CDMA phones can exist connected to the net now, that offer endless channels of entertainments. It's bloody distracting.

And if I don't have the gadget at hand, I would open my laptop and browse the same thing -___-

I really miss those days when I can finish a volume in one go, in non even a day.

I actually miss the thrill of flipping the pages and feeling even more broken-hearted towards the catastrophe.

I miss those days when my head controls which things I should exist focusing on, non my gadgets.

I miss that sense of control.

I know I'thousand a command freak by center, and knowing that I give up so easily by the fun that twitter offers, for example, is not a expert sign of me existence the master of my own mind.

So tonight, on my style dwelling to Bekasi, I decided that I will cease this book. More importantly, before blondie asks me if I have finished it or not, mwahaha… I turned on my mp3 player, put on the earphones, put my phone inside my bag, and opened pages by pages from the showtime role of The Alchemist.

I got habitation, ate and showered, tweeted a bit (yeah, however), and turned off my phone since 9pm to 12.37am.

And in those 3,5 hours, I have finally finished reading the book 😀

I experience similar I've fabricated a minor achievement and never been more excited remembering that I nonetheless have TONS of books and magazines I constantly bought but never read. If I could apply this to i book tonight and finished the 177 pages of Paulo Coelho's awesome writing, imagine all those treasures I have at my place!

Information technology'd be slice of block, but like the yesterdays.

I'm optimistic that I'll soon regain the whole control of my caput now, and not to be too goddamn attached to my gadgets.

Every bit for the book itself, you have to read "The Alchemist."

I know there are some people out there who would "estimate" or "mock" y'all because y'all read Paulo Coelho'south book (For reasons I don't sympathize why, but believe me these people exist. There's a reason why this Paulo guy is an international best-selling writer you lot know, and you're here existence no one, who apparently still have the arrogance to mock).

I so much could relate to the book. Similar, really. I feel in a fashion, I was the shepherd, and likewise Fatima. I enjoyed every sensation I felt while reading the story. I know how it feels to jump into a journey for the sake of chasing dreams. I know how it feels seeing someone you really care almost, i you didn't look you could meet later so much pain and desperation in the by, chasing his dreams. The happiness, the pride you feel seeing him goes closer and closer towards his life goals. And you, for that reason, would rather see him make it beyond his limit, for y'all believe that love will always lead both of you back, no affair what, if you're meant to be with ane some other.

That'south from Fatima side. Waiting is non a new thing for her. And so is for me. My patience is built through it.

And as the shepherd, I can relate to every single matter! He sold his sheep, met a rex who gave him two stones for him to accept to his journey to see Pyramids in Egypt (one that he saw in his dream of finding a treasure at that place). How a thief took all of his money along the manner, how he made it through the "poverty" phase and worked for the crystal merchant and gained enough money to continue the travel once again. How he met and learned from the Englishman, the Caravan leader, the people he met along the way, the way he observed things and the things he observed. The fashion he learnt about life by embracing the life itself. How he overcome his fears. How he vicious in love with Fatima. How he did not give up on his dream no matter what.

And how he finally made his dream come true and it was beautifully written by Coelho in the end, with a vivid twist.

I highlighted so many good quotes and some vocabs I'll find out the pregnant later.

I closed the book feeling so content. I have merely been inspired by a wonderful story. My optics have just been opened once again. I was happy considering I also got further noesis in English structure and writing style.

And the ultimate matter the volume has taught me: Your organized religion will bring you far, therefore you should never lose it.

Exist optimistic, be strong, cover life, and never always stop dreaming, even if some people will laugh at you.

You'll come out a winner. 🙂

Give thanks y'all for this present, Jerapah.
I miss yous even more now, more than than you can imagine. 🙂



Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone


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